Supernormal for PMs
Project management, perfected.
Keep everyone in sync with smart notes, trackable action items, and seamless syncing with other apps.
Smart. Automated. Personalized.

Format your work, your way
Use premade templates or create your own to format your notes in exactly the way that works for you and your teams.

Prompt for specific notes
Query your notes using AI to find insights then save them to your notes for everyone to see.

Justin Schafer, Product
Tribe AI
Track action items across meetings.
Auto-generate action items
Supernormal automatically creates action items from meetings and intelligently assigns them to participants.

Stay on top of your next steps
Quickly discover all of your own action items from meetings in one place.

Stay organized. Automatically.

Manage other tools seamlessly.
Automatically share notes to a Slack channel.
Sync notes to databases to keep teams in sync.
Sync the action items from your meetings into Asana.
Add notes directly to documentation in Confluence.
See the full picture.
Capture audio and video
Reference details like tone of voice and visuals from a design review or stats from a slide when you turn on audio and video recordings.
Available with a Business plan

Prepare for the week ahead.

Catch up on last week
Quickly see a gist of the meetings last week in one place.
Discover opportunities
See insights into opportunity areas from the past week, generated by our AI models.
Glance at action items
Go into the new week with a look at what items you can get a head start on.
More than 350,000 teams rely on Supernormal